"Jenny from the block" may have revealed the name of her new album

Mar 23, 2013 10:50 GMT  ·  By

JLo may be working with Chris Brown on her new album, judging by shots she has recently posted on her Twitter account.

The singer is pictured cozying up to Brown as producer Cory Rooney stands to her left in a recording studio.

Vibe notes that the hashtags attached to this post also hint at a collaboration, and possibly even give away the name of her new album.

Hashtags #studiolife and #makinghistory possibly refer to her work with Brown, while #Album10 and #SAMEGIRL suggest that her newest album might be titled Same Girl, in keeping with her tradition of going back to her roots.

"Back on the block!!!," Lopez writes in the photo caption, so perhaps we can expect her to add a hip-hop feel to her next tracks.