One of the most awaited games of 2007 will hit the virtual stands in a couple of weeks.

Nov 28, 2007 07:55 GMT  ·  By

Rumors started yesterday when an information leaked on the official forums. Now everything is confirmed with the latest press release: Sensible World of Soccer will be released on the 19th of December for Xbox 360, on Xbox Live.

The first game of Sensible World of Soccer enjoyed a great deal of success because it was different: different gameplay, different graphics... just different. Its main advantage over the other games, which tried to focus more on the simulation and realism of the gameplay, was the arcade-like gameplay. It was fun and nobody ever wanted more.

The new Sensible World of Soccer is said to follow the same receipt as its younger brother and to bring all the classic elements to the new generation of players. Codemasters Online didn't just want to rewrite a game, so they have introduced new and optional enhancements for the game to be up to date and ready to attack.

One of the main improvement SWoS gets over its little brother is the online multiplayer mode, which allows players all over the world to compete against each other in the true Sensible Soccer style. It is also said that the game includes both the original and the updated custom graphics, allowing games to be played according to the latest technologies, which means that High Definition gaming will be possible.

If everything goes according to the plan, players will be able to enjoy a great game for Christmas. Hopefully, it will prove not to be one of those games packed in a hurry and released just to get the Christmas boost everybody knows about. But, the 19th of December is close and probably we will all find out.

"We are extremely pleased to announce that SWoS is coming to Xbox LIVE Arcade before Christmas", said Tim Hodges, Assistant Product Manager. And, indeed, that is pleasing. One of the most fun football (or soccer, as they call it) games is finally back.