Brown lives in Iowa with his family and he has been taught to say “ow”

Oct 25, 2013 15:27 GMT  ·  By

A child in Iowa is living with a condition that leaves him feeling absolutely no pain. Isaac Brown doesn't sweat and he has no feeling of cold or hot.

Not even breaking a bone would cause pain, Daily Mail described. His is a congenital insensitivity, and there is no cure for it.

Since he is quite active, he must be watched all the time. Pain alerts our brain when our body is in trouble.

Without it, Isaac has scolded his hand in hot coffee and on a hot stove and he has cut himself on glass. He also felt nothing when he broke his pelvis.

"We're doing the best we can to just teach him; he knows blood is bad. We taught him even when he was little to say 'ow.'" You don't have to tell normal kids to say 'ow,'" Isaac's mother, Carrie, explains.

Since they can only manage the condition, they are attending "Camp Painless but Hopeful" this summer, and they will learn more about it and how to make life safer for Isaac.