According to a study carried out by Yankee Group it is.

Apr 4, 2005 23:08 GMT  ·  By

The competition between Windows and Linux based servers is no news and if we talk in financial terms, it's even harder to establish a winner.

This is also the conclusion of a study carried out recently by Yankee Group within American companies. The respondents have pointed out that there is no significant difference between maintenances costs of the two operating systems.

More precisely, 88% of the interviewed companies consider that the performance and quality of the Windows operating system is close or equal to the one of the Linux systems.

But what is even more surprising is that on a security scale of 1 to 10, companies gave Microsoft the mark 7,6 and Linux 8,3.

Linux managed to maintain its level from last year but Microsoft doubled its mark.

It seems that Microsoft's efforts to fight security problems and to introduce the policy of releasing monthly security updates have started to pay off.

But not security is the reason why companies are less interested in Linux. The problems Linux has among small and medium companies are confirmed by another study carried out by Info Tech Research Group. Among the 1422 companies from USA, Canada and Great Britain, 27% said that they rely on Linux, while 48% said that they are not interested in this operating system.

The reason why these companies prefer Windows over Linux is related to the fact that open source software is hard to maintain and unsafe for important applications.