The decks are already being marketed

Jul 17, 2007 08:14 GMT  ·  By

The increasingly skillful use of turntables by DJs to mix and scratch records has given rise to a new trend in the industry and has lead to professional CD players with the same capability.

There is no better way to get nostalgic about the "flower powered" times, than by listening to some hippie vinyl album while smoking your pot (just kidding here!).

Therefore, Ion combines the turntable's capabilities with the vinyl sophisticated way of listening to classy music and has created a revolutionary USB turntable that allows you to convert your old vinyl collection directly to the CD or Mp3 with an included recording software.

The best news is that the Ion Audio has tackled the increasing problem of preserving the classic records, by launching two vinyl decks that streamline the process, nice and fast. So, the new additions to the company's portfolio are known as the iTTUSB05 and pictured iTTUSB10 contains a USB port found on some electronic devices, that enable the supporting software to capture audio for editing process.

Each electronic device included EZ Vinyl software that is capable of simultaneously converting the records to digital files, but also sends them straight to the iTunes and simplifies the process for those that have no editing experience whatsoever, but own impressive retro vinyl collection.

According to Ion, both decks support Macs and PCs. While the iTTUSB05 handles the most essential tasks and offers support for 33 ? and 45 RPM records as well as the RCA output from playing through the conventional stereos, the iTTUSB10 adds recording options for 78 RPM records and an additional anti-shake system, a better tone arm and some photo album options.

As for the pricing and availability, they're both available for 150 bucks and 250 bucks respectively, starting today. Make love, not war!