And Blockdot

Jan 27, 2010 10:38 GMT  ·  By

Tagr is a game released by Microsoft Office and Blockdot, designed to allow players to earn point by tagging images. The actual gaming experience is rather simple. Users are presented with a certain image for which the game has already reserved a few tags which can no longer be used. Participants in the Tagr game need to come up with their own tags better describing the image and earn points for each tag. And if you already guessed that this game is designed to help Microsoft, you are right on the money.

The Redmond company has partnered with Blockdot for the creation of the game, which is actually set up to allow users to tag Office clip art and images. Ultimately, the game will end up benefiting end users which will get to find Office content based on the tags entered as a part of Tagr.

“As you probably know, we have a huge amount or clip art and images on Office Online. Over 150,000 in fact. Each one of these images has been tagged by someone with keywords to make them searchable, but it’s pretty much guaranteed that they won’t have thought of every word that you want to search under,” revealed a member of the Office team.

“TAGR, our new tagging game aims to get around this problem by letting you (the experts!) tag the images. Play with 1000’s of other people to come up with new words to describe the images shown. The more times the word has been thought up by other players, the more points you’ll score. You have 3 minutes to get your high score,” the Office team representative added.

Users have three minutes at their disposal to tag as many images as they can with as many tags as they like. The secret to winning a large number of points is to guess the most used tags to describe a certain image. By finding the tags most used for a certain word, you will be able to earn a high score.