The festival has been held at the Minnesota State Fair

Oct 2, 2013 14:31 GMT  ·  By

Every cat lover's “Woodstock,” the Internet Cat Video Festival, has brought everyone's favorite felines out to the Minnesota State Fair this year.

The Grandstand fair has included a showcase of meme worthy pets such as Grumpy cat. The event has allowed cat video lovers to buy shirts, shoes, hats and even tattoos with their pets.

According to Know Your Meme, this is the first outdoor cat film festival. It has been held in the Open Field at the Walker Art Center in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

About 79 videos were showcased during the August 30 festival. The video above compiles the highlights of the event.

The Walker museum was also the venue for an award ceremony for cats in the media. William Braden, the creator of the “Henri, Le Chat Noir” series, received the Golden Kitty Award for the “Henri, Paw de Deux” video.