? because they want you to be happy, even if you don't know English all that well

Dec 11, 2007 10:07 GMT  ·  By

"I think - tide turning - see, as I remember - I was raised in the desert, but tides kind of-it's easy to see a tide turn-did I say those words?" You all know and love him, it's your George Bush! Let's give him a round of applause as he goes off the stage.

I actually thought of this quote from the American fearless leader, because he might not know it, but he said something that's true: you could see a tide turn. I'm talking about Google, who grew strong as an English site, and slowly but surely it is changing (shifting, or turning, if I may) more global with every product and service that it arrays.

You could see that this is what they were headed to, by the launching of ".everycoutry'scode" sites that would firstly process queries locally and now they have turned the navigational bar international, otherwise said, every country has the navigational bar translated in its native language and, furthermore, the contents displayed there are not the same everywhere, but differ from one country to another, based on how popular the services are there.

Ionut Alex. Chitu notes that "There are also changes for the US version of Google (or the global version, if you like). Google removed from the list of services: Blogger, Labs, orkut, Patent Search, but added YouTube, the most popular property after Google Search, and a link to the More Google Products page."

Linking with what I said above about the local popularity of the services, for example, orkut is still in the main list on the Google India and Google Brazil homepages, because of the huge amount of fans it has there. Some countries, though, such as Israel, have had users reporting that this had not happened to their homepage. Rest assured, it has not happened YET.