George Bush thinks that both theories should be taught in schools

Aug 3, 2005 20:59 GMT  ·  By

Evolutionism or intelligent design? This is the problem of the American schools, which might have to teach their students about the religious side of the evolution.

Currently, the Americans are learning about Darwin's theory regarding the appearance of life on Earth and the evolution, and although some Christianity activists have tried to introduce this theory in schools, their project has not been approved.

Still, they might get a helping hand from President George Bush, who said today that the theory of intelligent design should be taught in schools.

"I felt like both sides ought to be properly taught." Asked again by a reporter whether he believed that both sides in the debate between evolution and intelligent design should be taught in the schools, Mr. Bush replied that he did, "so people can understand what the debate is about.", Mr. Bush said in the interview, given to a group of Texas newspaper.

Intelligent design does not identify the designer, but critics say the theory is a thinly disguised argument for God and the divine creation of the universe.

The president's conservative Christian supporters and the leading institute advancing intelligent design embraced Mr. Bush's comments while scientists and advocates of the separation of church and state disparaged them, according to the Washington Post.