Anyone have an old computer they want to play games on?

Feb 22, 2008 09:40 GMT  ·  By

As computing power is becoming more available and as decent Internet access is now the norm rather than the exception, there's a growing trend of games beginning to move on-line, requiring little to no installation on the PC itself. We've recently seen something along these lines with Quake Live and there are signs that the trend is getting stronger.

At the GDC in San Francisco, a little known developer, InstantAction, only five man strong at this point, showed off their new concept. As the name clearly implies, they are talking about a service that will bring games to the PC using only a browser window to handle all the playing. And we are not talking about casual or puzzle games here. We are talking action and that implies something like the rocket wielding booster powered combatants doing battle in their Fallen Empire: Legions game that was showcased at GDC.

InstantAction wants to make playing games very easy. System specifications for their products will be low, so that you can play on a PC that's a few years old. You only have to download a plug-in and, after a few minutes of installation, you can jump right into the action. All updates will be automatic and the company will actively encourage gamers themselves to come up with ideas on how to improve the various games and also produce their own mods. The games themselves will aim to be simple, easy to grasp and fun for almost anyone.

The Instant Action website is in beta, beginning to show off a range of multiplayer puzzle and 3D action games that will allow gamers to play very quickly, after having installed a browser plugin. It's an interesting example the PC learning from consoles how to deliver quick action with little to no requirements, relying on the power of fast Internet access. As the games will be permanently polished and improved, there will also be a MMO aspect to them. The difference is that there is going to be only a one-time sum payed, as opposed to the subscription model in most MMO's. News on the beta will be available on the InstantAction site.