The service sounds like it's coming along nicely but Sony still has a lot more to add

Aug 31, 2007 08:55 GMT  ·  By

Finally some details on Home... Apparently a Sony insider has leaked some hot information on Sony's social service to Although Home will leave you with an overall good impression, there are some minuses to the service as well. Not serious ones but still... Just to get you interested in reading on, it has been confirmed that "the only way to get into (someone's house) is for them to invite you while they are in their apartment."

So, here's what we thought could interest you (some excerpts from IGN's interview with the Sony insider):

- "You can walk into your own apartment, but have to be invited and then warp to get into a friends apartment."

- "The only way to get into is for them to invite you while they are in their apartment."

- "Barring certain areas and apartment audio/video playback, everything from GDC is in the home beta right now. This includes arcade games, bowling, pool, furniture placement, character customization, etc."

- "There is currently no trophy room."

- "Communication works very well. It supports Bluetooth headsets as well as keyboards. These were both day 1 features. You hold R2 to speak."

Of course there are some "uncool" features to the service as well. Like for instance, plenty of stuff that Sony has showed since GDC still hasn't been implemented, according to the insider. Also, the avatar's hair color changes when walking "in and out of locations," but bugs like this are usually fixed in no time, so it shouldn't be considered as a major minus.

Still, the service sounds promising, having left the insider with a pretty good overall impression: "What's cool? Home works. What I mean by that is it's easy to go in and socialize and have a fun time doing it."

Now let's see Sony implementing all the stuff they've promised since GDC (Home has had just one lousy update since it was launched).