Researchers could target it in new therapies against these conditions

May 25, 2012 14:37 GMT  ·  By
The development of some cancers may be prevented by suppressing the master gene AUF1
   The development of some cancers may be prevented by suppressing the master gene AUF1

A team of experts led by investigator Robert J. Schneider, PhD, have determined that a single master gene is responsible for controlling the development of cancer, inflammation and accelerated aging, all at the same time. The finding presents researchers with a new, potential target for treatment.

In a paper to appear in the July 13 print issue of the journal Molecular Cell, experts at the New York University Langone Medical Center determined that the gene AUF1 plays a dual role, in controlling aging and inflammation. Imbalances in this system can lead to the development of cancer.

“This was certainly an unexpected finding. It is rather uncommon for one gene to have two very different and very significant functions that tie together control of aging and inflammation,” Schneider explains, quoted by e! Science News.

By shutting down AUF1, or at least reducing its activity, it may be possible to reduce inflammation, while at the same time allowing human chromosomes time to repair themselves. The latter is a process that can potentially extend our lifespans.