Ninja Theory's take on the Devil May Cry series might be a good thing for the franchise

Jan 30, 2012 20:11 GMT  ·  By

What we know:

DmC Devil May Cry is an upcoming game from UK-based developer Ninja Theory that aims at rebooting the hack and slash series developed by Capcom many years ago.

As we saw up until now, the new title is a big departure from the traditional style of the franchise, featuring an overhauled version of its protagonist, Dante, as well as a more Goth-like environment. While this change in design resulted in a lot of unhappy fans, some even going so far as to threaten the development team, people have gotten used to this change.

A key role in this change of heart was played by the variety of videos released up until now, which showed that the core hack and slash gameplay that made Devil May Cry titles so popular is still there. Dante, despite his thinner and darker looks, can still swing his famous sword and use his trademark Ebony & Ivory dual pistols against a variety of enemies in a stylized manner.

As we saw in other videos, the environment also works against the demon hunter, as it continuously changes, creating big chasms when the players least expect them.

So far, we haven’t heard a lot about the game’s story, although from one specific video it was clear that Dante was helped by an ethereal girl that needed to escape the fictional Limbo City.

Why it matters: The Devil May Cry series has impressed millions of gamers from all around the world with four great titles. While the new DmC game seems like a big departure from the original style of its predecessors, it’s worth pointing out that Ninja Theory has already delivered two pretty decent titles, Heavenly Sword and Enslaved: Odyssey to the West, so it’s worth giving the developer the benefit of the doubt.

What’s more, from the videos we’ve seen up until now, the hack and slash gameplay fans know and love is still there so, perhaps with its help, fans will be able to get past the changed visual style.