Zscaler researchers have spotted an attack leveraging the exploit

Dec 17, 2013 14:22 GMT  ·  By

Experts say that the old Internet Explorer vulnerability leveraged in the Operation Aurora cyberattacks is still being utilized.

Operation Aurora was a major cyberattack carried out by actors with alleged ties to the Chinese military back in 2009. The campaign targeted several major companies, including Google, Adobe, Juniper Networks, Yahoo, Symantec, Morgan Stanley and Northrop Grumman.

Despite the fact that the vulnerability in question was patched back in early 2010, Zscaler researchers say they’re still seeing attacks that exploit it.

The cybercriminals are using the exploit in an effort to push a Trojan downloader onto computers running vulnerable versions of Internet Explorer.

Unfortunately, there still are a lot of users who haven’t updated their browsers, allowing the attackers to easily infect their computers with malware.

Technical details on these recent attacks can be found on Zscaler’s blog.