Join one of the many Sandy CrisisCamps and help develop useful projects

Nov 3, 2012 09:42 GMT  ·  By

Hurricane Sandy has certainly caused a lot of damage on the US coastline and a large number of individuals have already started volunteering to help out those affected by it. While there’s a lot to do in the real world, there’s also a lot that can be done in cyberspace as well.

“Hurricane Hackers” urge internauts to put their “hacking” skills and their imagination to the test by joining one of the many Sandy CrisisCamps taking place these days.

A website, an IRC channel, a GitHub page and several other resources have been made available for those who want to join the movement. Anyone can submit new project ideas or participate in the development of active ones.

One of the tools already put to good use relies on crowdsourcing to provide an initial filter on imagery that has been collected from the affected areas.

This helps the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) in determining which areas should represent a priority.