For pasta lovers

Nov 16, 2007 19:06 GMT  ·  By

The first rule to get slim is to have a varied and balanced diet, and to keep the body healthy physically and mentally. Eating should be a pleasant act satisfying the taste and other senses. Always choose the diet that is closer to your culinary preferences. Practice sports and do not propose yourself surrealist goals before starting a diet.

The pasta diet is based on eating for a month two shares of pasta of 60 grams (dry weight) spiced with sauces containing green vegetables. Once you achieve the desired weight, it can be followed thrice a week for maintenance.

This diet helps you control the hunger, having a great satiating power. It delivers a high dose of tryptophan, the essential aminoacid turned by the body into serotonin, the "feel good" hormone. It has a low caloric value (50 grams of pasta mean 187 calories) (but remember that the employed spice can increase the number of calories).

This diet is recommended to women around menopause (before, during, and after), but also for persons of both sexes during periods of high stress or extra-work. It is also very good for persons affected by seasonal changes.

The best pastas are:

1.Gluten pasta. They are made of wheat flour with added extra-gluten (the protein contained by wheat, oats, rye or barley). This pasta has less carbohydrates and more proteins.

2. Whole wheat pasta. Is made with whole wheat flour, preserving the nutrients from the grain's husk and embryo. It has more wheat vitamins (A, B, D, E and K), but also polyunsaturated fatty acids from the wheat embryo and minerals like magnesium, phosphorus, iron, calcium and more fibers than white pasta.

3. Colored whole wheat pasta. Besides the advantages of whole wheat pasta, it adds nutrients from parsley, spinach, carrots, tomatoes and so on.

You will have five meals daily:

Monday Breakfast: green tea infusion, pomelo juice, two Dextrin toasts with two spoons of Vigorina

11:00 Infusion of green tea or malt

Dinner: 60 grams of whole wheat macaroni with green vegetables (pimiento, zucchini, leek and tomato) made in olive oil.

17:00 One skimmed yogurt

Supper: green vegetables soup with 3 spoons of gluten noodles, 0.5 kg (1.1 pounds) of season fruits (apples, pears and so on)

Tuesday Breakfast: green tea infusion, pomelo juice, three rye Knakes with 100 grams of fresh cheese

11:00 Infusion of green tea or anise

Dinner: 60 grams of gluten spaghetti with sauce made of fresh herbs (basil, parsley, green garlic) and olive oil; a bowl of green salad

17:00 One kiwi

Supper: green vegetables soup with 3 spoons of wheat flakes, 0.5 kg (1.1 pounds) of season fruits (apples, pears and so on)

Wednesday Breakfast: green tea infusion, pomelo juice, three spoons of crunch muesli, one cup of skimmed milk

11:00 One skimmed yogurt, infusion of green tea

Dinner: Salad made of endives with blue cheese and two wall nuts; 30 grams of colored whole wheat "fusilli" with 100 grams of smooth clams, garlic and parsley.

17:00 Green tea infusion

Supper: green vegetables soup with 3 spoons of gluten noodles; 100 grams of fresh cheese with one grated apple.

Thursday Breakfast: green tea infusion, pomelo juice, two Dextrin toasts with two spoons of Vigorina

11:00 Infusion of green tea or malt

Dinner: 60 grams of whole wheat macaroni with green vegetables (pimiento, zucchini, leek and tomato) made in olive oil.

17:00 One skimmed yogurt

Supper: pasta with boiled and cooked artichokes; oven-baked green vegetables

Friday Breakfast: a cup of apple juice, 3 whole wheat biscuits, one cup of skimmed milk

11:00 One skimmed yogurt

Dinner: Green salad, 50 grams of whole wheat spaghetti with 100 grams of peeled shrimps cooked with natural tomato sauce, one spoon of olive oil, garlic and parsley.

17:00 One cup of soy milk

Supper: 100 grams of fresh cheese with salad of tomato and fresh basil; one apple, and fennel infusion

Saturday Breakfast: Toasts with no sugar added marmalade; fennel infusion and one skimmed yogurt

11:00 One grape juice (must)

Dinner: Salad made of endives with blue cheese and two wall nuts; 50 grams of colored whole wheat "fusilli" with 100 grams of smooth clams, garlic and parsley; anise infusion

17:00 Green tea infusion, two fiber-rich biscuits

Supper: 50 grams of gluten macaroni with fresh peas, olive oil and spiced with garlic and parsley; oven-baked green vegetables

Sunday Breakfast: Green tea infusion, one skimmed yogurt and one apple

11:00 Sugar free green tea infusion, 3 whole wheat sticks

Dinner: Green salad with hearts of palm, with one spoon of olive oil and vinegar or lemon added; fideua with whole wheat noodles, shrimps, smooth clams and mussels (100 grams overall)

17:00 Soy shake

Supper: Colored "fusilli" spiced with 40 grams of fresh cheese, half yogurt, and chopped parsley; oven-baked apple