The bizarre animal has an enlarged nose, an impressive pair of horns

Jul 17, 2013 20:56 GMT  ·  By

Paleontologists exploring a site in Utah have recently unearthed the fossilized remains of a bizarre dinosaur believed to have walked the Earth roughly 76 million years ago.

The creature represents a previously undocumented species.

As the picture above shows, the dinosaur looked strikingly similar to a Triceratops. It had a fairly large and beak-like nose, and an impressive pair of horns that were towering over its eyes, Wired reports.

Researchers say that adult specimens used to sport horns measuring up to 2.5 feet (0.7 meters) in length. Despite their scary looks, they were herbivores.

Because of its peculiar anatomy, this newly discovered species has been named Nasutoceratops titusi, which translates as “large-nosed horned face.”

The dinosaur's remains were discovered in the Kaiparowits Formation, i.e. a group of rocks in the western United States.

At the time when this weird creature lived, these rocks were part of a small island named Laramidia.

The species is thoroughly described in an article published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences on July 17.