It's unclear if the game will use a classic retail model

Sep 10, 2013 08:44 GMT  ·  By

Randy Pitchford, the leader of developer Gearbox, says that the recent monetary investment from his company means that Homeworld: Shipbreakers, originally known as Hardware: Shipbreakers, will no longer use a free-to-play business model on launch.

His official Twitter feed states, “With our investment, Homeworld Shipbreakers can be a proper commercial release. No need for F2P.”

Gearbox has acquired the Homeworld license from the now-defunct publisher THQ and has promised to deliver remakes of the first two titles in the franchise.

Blackbird Interactive, the creators of Shipbreakers, employs a number of developers who worked on them and their title is designed as a sequel that will use many of the same mechanics.

Gearbox has also suggested that, based on player interest and sales of the titles, it might also create and launch a full sequel for the classic strategy franchise.