The virtual competition for the presidential campaign already started

Mar 20, 2007 11:08 GMT  ·  By

A video presenting one of the main candidates for the 2008 US Presidential election was published on YouTube, displaying Hillary Clinton in the person of a tyrannical Orwellian figure as reports. At this time, the video entitled "Vote Different" has 919.524 views, 2566 comments and was 1433 times voted as favorite. The same publication reported the video is a remake of the 1984 Super Bowl Macintosh advert and displays Hillary Hilton while she is talking using a huge screen to an impressive crowd of people.

"That is, until a young female, sporting an iPod and wearing a tank top promoting rival presidential hopeful, Barack Obama, throws a sledgehammer at the screen, smashing Hillary's face. This is followed by the words: "On January 14th, the Democratic primary will begin. And you'll se why 2008 won't be like '1984'," iafrica sustained in the article.

At the end of the video, the author placed a link to Barack Obama's website, another Presidential candidate but he denied any involvement in the creation of the movie. Although the video is quite interesting, it brings us a different point of view over the content published on Google's YouTube.

The users are free to upload any type of content on YouTube and that seems to cause numerous contradictory discussions. Sometimes, this might degenerate and cause more important trouble, as the candidates for the Presidential race are free to attack and criticize their opponents as long as they deny any involvement in the designing process of the video. Although it might look like an unfair competition, YouTube is somehow limited because it can't deny users' access to upload political videos, an action that would bring new critics for the Google image.