And use the paid links reported form

Jun 13, 2007 08:45 GMT  ·  By

The spam reported form implemented by the search giant Google is especially useful for the company that is continuously looking to clean the technology and provide only useful weblinks. As numerous clients used the form, the Mountain View company decided to do the same thing with the paid links and allow visitors to report any sign of spam content. However, it is not available to all the users as it is bundled into the famous Webmaster Tools.

"Today, in response to your request, we're providing a paid links reporting form within Webmaster Tools. To use the form, simply log in and provide information on the sites buying and selling links for purposes of search engine manipulation. We'll review each report we get and use this feedback to improve our algorithms and improve our search results. In some cases we may also take individual action on sites," Vanessa Fox from Google introduced the new form.

As usual, the Mountain View company fights against the spamming links and strives to offer a clean content to the users; but sometimes, it is not possible to do just that. Take for example the malicious websites that are offering malware content. Google offers two types of notifications, one of them displayed just under the result's link and the other one appearing when the user clicks on a dangerous link. Although these two alerts are meant to protect the visitors, the malware websites are still there just waiting for their victims.

In fact, it's extremely difficult to stop all the dangerous websites indexed by Google's search technology since its database is enormous. The Mountain View company has a deal with StopBadware in a move meant to provide valuable information about the malware pages and help the search giant block the access to them. Still, you're recommended to think twice before you act and click only on trusted websites.