Shows how game will adapt to Roman theme and gameplay features

Dec 8, 2011 14:27 GMT  ·  By

Longbow Games, an independent strategy game developer, has announced that the first batch of screenshots has been released for their next project, called Hegemony Rome: The Rise of Caesar.

The strategy game will allow players to relieve the character’s rise to power, emulating his conquests in the provinces before going back towards Rome and fighting the forces of Pompei in a battle that will decide the history of the Republic and much of the Ancient world.

Longbow Games has already launched on a Hegemony game set in Ancient Greece, which focuses on both armies and on the logistical support they need in order to perform well in the field.

The Rome themed video game will have new buildings, reflecting the ability of the Romans to rapidly create fortifications and other logistical works, and will also simulate a much bigger game world, ranging from the shores of Britain to the waters of the Mediterranean.

Hegemony Rome: The Rise of Caesar should be launched during spring 2012.

Hegemony Rome: The Rise of Caesar (6 Images)

Strategy matter