Tiny Proof aims to provide proofs inside the limits of 140 characters

Apr 2, 2013 14:06 GMT  ·  By

Twitter's 140 characters don't leave much room for details. Tweets have to be to the point or they simply won't fit. That's not necessarily a bad thing, the limitation has shaped Twitter and is a big part of why it is so useful today.

Still, there are some things that you probably can't squeeze into 140 characters, no matter how hard you try. Math proofs would seem to fit into that category.

But @TinyProof aims to prove this wrong. The relatively new Twitter account has been spewing out small mathematical demonstrations all within 140 characters.

This isn't 6th grade algebra either, there's some hard maths in there. Here are a couple of examples:

"By the Taylor expansion of e^z, e^(ix) = Σ(ix)^n/n! = Σ((-1)^n/(2n)!)x^(2n) + iΣ((-1)^n/(2n+1)!)x^(2n+1) = cos(x) + i*sin(x)."

"Periodicizing f(x)=x in [-π,π] gives Fourier coefficients c_n = i(-1)^n/n (n≠0), c_0=0. By Parseval, Σ1/n^2 = ∫[-π,π] x^2 dx/4π = π²/6."