Feb 22, 2011 09:14 GMT  ·  By

While she’s duking it out in court with the father of her baby Nahla, Halle Berry is also having some personal issues with other members of her family: her estranged sister, Renee Berry, is speaking out about how Halle cut off all African-American members of her family.

Renee is the daughter Halle’s father had with his first wife, before he met Judith Hawkins, Halle’s mother. The two eventually divorced, but Renee says she and Halle remained close.

That was, until about 5 years ago, when she pled with her famous sister to go and see their father, who was dying of Parkinson’s, a request that Halle refused.

Since then, she hasn’t had any contact with Renee, with the latter saying she can’t understand what she did or said to cause such offense, the Daily Mail reports.

Halle has always maintained her father was abusive, but Renee now says this was far from the case, such a thing is a clear exaggeration.

Moreover, Renee says she’d want to be by her sister’s side in such trying times, when she and ex Gabriel Aubry are fighting in court for the custody of Nahla.

“I’m sad to say it seems like she does not want anything to do with us. I have not spoken to her in about five years,” Renee says in a recent interview cited by the Mail.

All attempts to made contact ended in disappointment. It’s like Halle has completely forgotten she has more family than just her mother.

“I tried to contact her through her website, to congratulate her on her Oscar, but no one got back to me,” Renee adds.

“We would love to meet Nahla. We are desperate to understand why Halle is so upset, why she feels she cannot be with us,” she says.

As for claims that their father was abusive, that’s not true, Renee insists. Granted, he did drink, but he was not an alcoholic. He spanked his girls but he would have never been capable of the abuse Halle talked about in the press.

“My father never beat any of us. He would spank us from time to time, but he never abused us. He liked a drink or two, like anyone else does, but he was not an alcoholic,” Renee says.

Halle Berry’s camp has not commented in any way the latest claims made by her estranged sister.