Both games received some important updates for the Linux platform

Jan 30, 2013 19:02 GMT  ·  By

After launching the original Half-Life and Counter-Strike on Steam for Linux, Valve has started now to push updates for the two games.

Both games are pretty stable, especially after so many updates over the years, but it seems that the version for the Linux platform will need some further improvements.

Here are some highlights for the latest Half-Life update (it also applies to Counter-Strike):

• The game icon was not showing in window title bar and/or dock; • The OK button on Half-Life 1 deathmatch MOTD was not selectable if you ran in a non 4:3 resolution; • Support for fast HTTP download when getting server assets for Linux and OSX has been added; • Changed full-screen render to fall back to changing the desktop resolution if it fails to create and off-screen FBO (useful on older video cards); • Fixes a crash that occurred if a game asked to play a sound with a volume that was too high; • A rare crash on startup due to thread race conditions has been fixed.

More details about Half-Life can be found on the official Steam website.