Both games received some important updates for the Linux platform

Feb 1, 2013 16:03 GMT  ·  By

After launching the original Half-Life and Counter-Strike on Steam for Linux, Valve has now started to push updates for the two games.

Both games are pretty stable, especially after so many updates over the years, but it seems that the version for the Linux platform will need some further improvements.

Here are some highlights for the new Half-Life update (it also applies to Counter-Strike):

• Fixed fans not rotating after being in a level for more than a few minutes; • "-nofbo" command line option has been added to let you disable using the new method for rendering; • "-nomsaa" has been added to let you disable MSAA effects being applied to the games output, setting • "-nofbo" also implies "-nomsaa"; • Fixed not doing the HTTP fast download path if you canceled a download and then reconnected to the same server.

More details about Half-Life can be found on the official Steam website.