Which is better?

Nov 28, 2006 11:56 GMT  ·  By

Yesterday, I reported something about an impressive Half-Life 2 Xbox 360 mod, remember? Now, another craftsman has revealed his gaming-related creation, but this time, we are dealing with Gears of War.

I can't quite make up my mind as to which one is better so I'll let you decide. Robber Summa from Destructois is already calling the Half-Life 2 mod "silly" but I can't quite agree with him on that. First of all, I find the colors of the HL2 mod much more appealing as compared to this Gears of War case mod. Yeah, this one looks much more professional, almost like the ones you can find in stores. Maybe Microsoft will make this guy an offer and release it, so that Gears of War fans could enjoy it.

Maybe many of you are thinking that you could do a mod like this too. Keep in mind that an Xbox 360 costs some US$ 500, and you wouldn't want to do something to it and get tired of it in a couple of months.

First of all, I don't understand what's with all this Gears of War frenzy? I haven't tried it, but is it that great? It sells a gazillion copies in such a short period, it gets great review scores, what for? Is it the best FPS ever? I think NOT! Yeah, it uses the Unreal 3 engine, but is that all that it takes for a game to be good? I have to try it sometime in the near future...

Even the name of the main character, Marcus Fenix, sounds kinda lame not to mention that he looks pumped full of steroids.