Barack Obama website hacked

Apr 22, 2008 08:00 GMT  ·  By

The US presidential race is one of the front-page subjects for some time now but today, a different type of report hits the Internet: Barack Obama's website has been hacked and all the visitors of the page were redirected to the one belonging to his rival, Hillary Clinton! A post on the Community Blogs hosted by Obama's website reveals the identity of the hack: a user nicknamed Mox from Liverpool, IL claims he was the person who hacked the website.

According to his message, Mox did nothing more than to take advantage of an unpatched security flaw which could be easily identified in Obama's website.

"First, let me explain why I put hacked in quotation marks. It is because what I did was not hacking in the sense that I burrowed into some dusty served and changed the Obama site and stole all your credit card numbers. All I did was exploit some poorly written HTML code," Mox explains in the message. "You may also be wondering, how did you get Hillary's site to appear where Obama's should be. The answer to that is, through the magical world of Cross Site Scripting."

The vulnerabilities have already been fixed, but it seems there are some other unpatched glitches that may allow visitors to alter the website content. At this time, the website works just fine as the administrators recovered the page from the hack.

A clip posted on YouTube by a user nicknamed "zennie62" shows the way the attack worked and states that someone of Hillary Clinton's staff may have hired somebody to hack Obama's website and redirect the visitors to her page. However, there's no clear evidence, as the folks at Netcraft wrote, so it's only another piece of speculation concerning the US candidates.