Aug 30, 2010 15:27 GMT  ·  By

HP is known as the top supplier of PCs worldwide and, more recently, has been actively working on its tablet devices, one of which, loaded with the webOS operating system, is slated to debut next year, and it seems that the company has more in store for its customers, even publishing some pictures of the SXSW panel.

It is not unheard of for a company to offer sneak peeks at some of tis long-term projects, and HP definitely seems to be thinking of the future if the recent Twitter post.

According to Engadget, the PC maker posted a pair of photos in which the current Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of HP, Phil McKinney, is holding a phone-sized and a tablet-scale device, respectively.

Basically, these shots are supposed to state that the company is making progress in its development of the SXSW panel, even though nothing clear can be gleamed from them.

The so-called 'Hacking the Future” prototype is described as “a futurist’s view of the world that will surprise and alarm you.”

As one can see, the actual devices are, in fact, concealed behind black marks of obscurity no doubt meant to prevent unwanted eyes from seeing the secrets that the panel is based on.

As of now, there is absolutely no information on what these panels do, except for vague references at “bold predictions for the future - backed up with a number of breakthrough prototypes.”

There is also mention of what the future will have in store in “5 to 10 years”, which probably implies that the SXSW panel will eventually become part of a new generation of mobile electronics.

As it stands, there is a very low chance that the first string of webOS products will even come close to employing this new technology.

Regardless, the twitter posts behind the two pictures are found here (@philmckinney) and here (@MarkHP).

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HP teases SXSW display prototypes
HP teases SXSW display prototypes
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