An investigation has been launched to determine the full extent of the breach

Oct 15, 2013 06:33 GMT  ·  By

On Monday, Greece’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs admitted that Anonymous hackers breached its email systems.

According to a statement made by the ministry, an investigation has been launched to determine the circumstances and full extent of the breach. It has been confirmed that the files leaked by the hacktivists include documents normally exchanged via email.

Anonymous has leaked over 3,700 documents allegedly stolen from the ministry’s A3 Directorate for Southeastern European Countries and from the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) as part of a campaign called OpGoldenDawn.

“Today we deliver first sucker punch in a series of jaw breaking leaks, to reveal the truth about the Greece government involvement in conspiracy to spy on us with the help of its ENISA and OSCE cybercrime units,” the hackers stated.

The massive leak comes in response of the indictment of 13 alleged Anonymous hackers accused of launching distributed denial-of-service (DDOS) attacks as part of Operation Payback.

The hacktivists threaten that more information will be leaked in the upcoming period.