Check out the parodies of Kate's depiction that are going viral

Jan 12, 2013 12:17 GMT  ·  By

Paul Emsley is responsible for the first official portrait of Kate Middleton, an oil painting that brought about mixed reviews, to put it lightly.

Many photoshopped versions of the painting are circulating, but I chose to post the two which I find funnier.

In one of them, Kate is dubbed the Grandmother of the Vampires. I guess the title expresses how good the original painting was. To be in tune with the vampire theme, the portrait is presented as a poster for the Twilight movie.

Another shows Kate's face replaced with the monkey-like Jesus face that resulted from a fresco being tampered with, last year.

"It's just amazing, I thought it was brilliant," an impressed Kate reportedly said when she saw the official depiction of her, according to the Mirror. There is no news of how she reacted when she came across the doubles.