Google is taking over Times Square with its new Chromebook

Nov 24, 2012 10:50 GMT  ·  By

Google is betting a lot on the new cheap Chromebook and it's right to, it finally has a device that is worth pushing to as many people as possible.

Chromebooks aren't supposed to replace PCs, but they were priced only below regular laptops and Chrome OS was too unpolished for most people to use.

The operating system got a big update earlier this year, finally bringing a classic looking desktop, and recently the hardware caught up.

On the one hand, the device is in fact proving popular and has been selling out at several locations. On the other, Google is doing its best to promote it.

It's now advertising the new Chromebook in Times Square, the most famous ad space in the world. It's doing it in a very Googly way too, by posting photos users submitted.

The tag line for the new Chromebook is "for everyone" and that's the idea of the campaign, people uploading photos of them using Chromebooks for whatever it is they found the device most useful.

There's a dedicated page you can visit to upload your own photo and it may be shown in Times Square, though you'll probably now know it.

There are plenty of images already, captioned with things like "for twins," "for adventures," "for aliens," "for beekeepers" and so on.

If you happened to be in Times Square, you had a chance to get your face on the screens above you. Google set up a mobile platform for anyone wanting to test the new devices and get their photos taken.

Google is probably going to sell a decent number of Chromebooks over the holidays, certainly more than it has until now.

But whether Chrome OS will ever become big enough to be taken seriously remains to be seen. With Android being the giant that it is, it's hard to see it happening.