Mar 8, 2011 13:17 GMT  ·  By

Google is now celebrating the 100th yearly International Women's Day, a holiday observed in many countries around the world. Initially started as a human rights and political event, it later became an apolitical holiday in many countries. Google is marking the occasion with a special doodle, events around the world and even Pegwoman, Pegman's new companion on Google Maps.

"As today’s doodle shows, we’re very excited to celebrate the centenary of International Women’s Day," Claire Hughes Johnson, VP, Global Online Sales, and Chair of Google Women’s Professional Community, announced.

"Late last month we teamed up with Women for Women International to announce the Join me on the Bridge campaign, a celebration of the achievements of women taking place on bridges around the world," she explained. Google's campaign has sparked more than 300 events in 50 countries.

The International Women's Day started out as International Working Women’s Day and was associated with the Socialist movement. It was first celebrated in 1911. It gained wide acceptance within the Soviet bloc and Eastern European countries where it has become a traditional holiday, in many places.

Later, in 1977, the day was proclaimed by the UN as the Women's Rights and International Peace Day after which it started to become more prominent in the Western world.

Google's Women's Day doodle is present on all Google search sites today. The doodle itself is a bit more abstract than usual, but does not stand out in particular. You can click the thumbnail to see a high resolution version of the doodle.

"Plus, when you use Google Maps on March 8, you’ll notice that Pegman, Street View’s trusted guide, has a new friend. He invited his colleague Pegwoman to join him on the map today to celebrate International Women’s Day!," Google also said.

Pegwoman has replaced Pegman in Google Maps today and using Street View is the simplest way of seeing her in action.

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Google's Women's Day 2011 doodle
Google's Pegwoman
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