Google even links to a Vista crack

Apr 4, 2007 10:45 GMT  ·  By

Video demonstrations of Windows vista cracks are available both on Google Video and on YouTube. In this case, the title can also read Google hosts video demonstrations of Windows Vista cracks, since YouTube has moved under the umbrella of the Mountain View search giant in 2006.

But the fact of the matter is that viral videos of Windows Vista cracks are available on both Google Video and YouTube. Google Video for example offers a 1 min. and 52 sec. Video fragment demonstrating the functionality of the Windows Vista Keygen.

Windows Vista Keygen is a brute force attack designed to randomly check the validity of product keys against the operating system's activation mechanism. Microsoft has downplayed the relevance of this Vista activation workaround, and the initial author of the crack apologized to Microsoft and claimed that the crack method was not functional. The video posted on Google Video even links to the actual description of the crack, a description that also provides the files for download.

In a similar manner YouTube offers anyone interested a look at another crack for Windows Vista. This time the TimerLock crack. The video follows step by step the process of cracking Windows Vista.

Both resources share a similar poor quality and resolution, and they have been both uploaded by Google Video and YouTube users. If Google should be responsible for the content its users place on either Google Video or YouTube is a path I will not take today. However, please feel free to express your opinions on the matter.