Send a link to a video easier

Jan 2, 2007 14:08 GMT  ·  By

Google Video is a service provided by Google that allows you to publish your videos and share them with your family, friends or other members of the community. It is a free service and can be used without a Google account directly from the official website. As many of its rivals, Google Video allows you to share your movies with ease by sending the video link from the website to the other person's email.

Because the website enables you to send only one e-mail every time you click on the Share button, it's difficult to send the same link to multiple users. It seems like Google wants to help us and the company is currently testing a new feature that will be able to send the same video link to several persons directly from the Google Video website.

"Google Video has a new feature that lets you send a link to a video much more easily. Google Video already had a way to share videos, but you had to type emails and the autocomplete was barely usable. Now you can see all your contacts or just the most contacted, you can search for a contact and even get a picture for contacts that use Gmail and lets you see it," Ionut Alex said on his blog.

The new feature is not currently available to all users and it is not included in the interface of Google Video service. If you want to test the function, you should visit the official website of the service and login with your Google username and password. Select a video and wait until it is fully loaded. After that, you should type in the address bar the following code: javascript:handlePickerClick(0);void(0);

Remember that you must disable your pop-up blocker because the code will open you a new window containing all the functions that Pick People to Email offers.