Mar 8, 2011 08:02 GMT  ·  By

Google is continuing to expand the amount and the type of information it serves in the search results page. Rather than having users click through another page, plenty of info can be displayed straight from the results. Some searches reveal Twitter accounts that are relevant for them. Now, Google displays the last or a recent tweet from that account inside the results rather than the regular snippet of information.

This is different from the real time results that are sometimes displayed, it's part of the regular results when Twitter profiles are retrieved.

The change has been spotted in the wild and it seems to be live for everyone. Having the last tweet displayed in the results might prove more relevant in some cases rather than providing a bio or other, more static info.

After all, Twitter is all about the real time and the conversation. That said, it may very well be that the last tweet from someone might be completely irrelevant in determining whether the account would interest the user or not.

Plenty of tweets are rather inane and inconsequential, especially taken out of context. It does look like Google has taken this into consideration and is not displaying the very last tweet, but a recent one that is more relevant.

There are a number of ways Google could determine which tweet to show, it can analyze the text, for example whether it's very short or not, or whether it's a reply, or look at direct data such as retweets since Google has full access to the Twitter data firehose.

Twitter continues to become an integral part of the web today. While it's clearly not as popular as Facebook, in terms of users, it feels a different need and, since it's not competing on so many areas as Facebook, others are more inclined to include Twitter info, data and features in their own products.