Be sure to be in it, perhaps there are extra presents if you're there

Dec 19, 2007 10:03 GMT  ·  By
The purple line is where you want to be in case he drops something out of his sleigh
   The purple line is where you want to be in case he drops something out of his sleigh

"Just wanted to say hi & merry xmas & happy new year. Made a google maps christmas card, which I hope you & your crew will like. Keep up the good work! cheers, Emil Goh - Seoul" is the line that previewed this original Google Map that you can see on the left. It was sent to the Google Maps Mania crew and it shows exactly the path Santa should walk in case he'd want to get to Christmas a little earlier.

Estimated time? About 13 hours and 42 minutes; in case he decides to check the "Avoid Highways" box, there's an extra 60 miles for some 7 or so hours added to the time of travel. Rudolf ain't gonna like it, that's for sure. I mean Red Dude (not Communist Dude, I was talking about the jumpsuit), look at his nose, it's differently colored than the others'! He must be catching a cold or something.

That's what you get for naming a town Santa Claus and another Christmas. I can't imagine anybody living there that hasn't been fooled around with because of it. The one with Santa is even richer, picture somebody going down to the post office in another state, that sounds like it's counterfeit 24/7. The Seymore Butts kind of counterfeit, not even the really good and nigh untraceable type of forgery.

So, 'On, Rudolf, On, Blitzen, On, Prancer, On, Dancer, On, Ranger, On, Bouncer, On? erm? other reindeers smoking in the back!' Truth be told, I've never really known all the names of Santa's Official Sleigh Carriers and their job always looked like it had a bit of a slapdash description attached to it, because no reindeer in its right mind would apply for it. I'm quite surprised the Union hasn't said anything yet, but I dropped them an email and I'm waiting for an official statement.