You'll be able to do more with it than was previously said

Oct 17, 2013 06:20 GMT  ·  By

I've already seen demos and trailers about the Google Glass augmented reality headset, but the latest revelations might have a leg up those.

That is to say, we already knew about the ability to display useful info about landmarks in your view, take phone calls, take pictures, hold video calls, etc.

Now, the folks at Android Police have posted what they found after combing through the device’s firmware.

The Google Glass will be able to translate phrases, start a round of golf, create 3D models, schedule events, even call a car, all by asking the Glass to do so. The commands were hidden in the GlassVoice APK.

There is also potential music playback and “gaze integration” like double blink detection (found in the Gaze folder). More and more, the Google Glass is looking like a glasses/monocle-shaped smartphone than a smartphone accessory.