Aug 11, 2011 16:21 GMT  ·  By

When Google+ was launched, Google made it clear that it was a first iteration and that it will be adding new features and enhancements as it moves forward.

It's still working on some of the big things, games, business pages and so on, but it's making cool small improvements in the meantime, like the new infinite scroll view for Google+ photos.

"Today, we rolled out a feature to view your photo albums more easily in Google+. The feature is called 'infinite scroll' and it loads more photos from the album into the webpage as you scroll down," Roshni Malani, a Google software engineer working on the photos feature, announced.

"That means no more small page numbers to find, just scroll through all of the amazing photos in your albums. One of my favorite albums to scroll through is +Thomas Hawk's," she said.

The new feature is live now and should be working for all photo albums. If you've used Google Image Search, you've probably noticed the same thing, there are no results pages to speak of, you simply scroll down and more photos are displayed.

Strictly speaking, it's not 'infinite' scroll since even in Image Search, there is a limit to the number of photos that gets loaded.

The same goes for Google+, the advantage here is that people can't really have an 'infinite' number of photos in their albums, so visitors will simply scroll down until they've viewed all of the images in the collection.

It's not a huge thing, but it's an example of the type of design refinements that Google should be focusing on, along with the big name features it's working on, if it wants Google+ to be a success.