New promotion for Google Checkout

Jun 20, 2007 07:20 GMT  ·  By

Every once in a while, Google improves Checkout with new promotions and bonuses because the Mountain View company is continuously working to boost the number of customers registered for the product. Today, a new promotion was rolled out as the parent company Google made a deal with FedEx to offer free credit card processing, allowing you to save up to 21 percent of the shipping fees.

"We're excited to let you all know about a new program we recently put together: FedEx is offering Google Checkout merchants savings of up to 21 percent on FedEx shipping. The only requirement is that you be an active Checkout merchant. Interested?" Gavin Chan, Product Marketing Manager, said today.

Google Checkout was released last year and offered free processing fees for the merchants until December 31, 2006 but the parent company Google decided to expand the special offer with one more year. After December 31, 2007, merchants will have to pay 2 percent plus $0.20 per transaction but it's very likely that Google will launch a new promotion.

As you've probably heard by now, Google Checkout is regarded as the best alternative for PayPal, the online paying system owned by eBay, because the Mountain View company is describing the solution as a very secure one that fights against online fraud. "Once you've processed your orders through Checkout, you can save up to 21% when you ship them with FedEx, which connects you to your customers with fast, reliable shipping - saving you time and money," it is mentioned in the description of the service.

Some time ago, the parent company Google released Checkout in the UK, making the product available to all the residents of the country. If you want to get more information about this latest Google Checkout promotion, you can check a new page owned by the search giant available here.