Several languages added to Blogger

Jun 28, 2007 09:17 GMT  ·  By

Google's blog service Blogger is now available in multiple languages besides the 19 ones that were already included in the solution. Among the new languages added to Blogger we can mention Romanian, Hindi, Portuguese and Hungarian. Blogger was first launched in August 1999 and was acquired by the Mountain View company in February 2003 but the financial terms were not disclosed. Since the acquisition of the product, Blogger received several new features, bundled with a fresh new interface launched last year.

At this time, Blogger is quite a popular Internet service because it was often promoted by the Mountain View company and is now regarded as the best alternative for a classic website. With a simple Google account, you're able to create a good-looking webpage to post your articles or ideas straight from a simple panel offered by Blogger.

Moreover, you can even earn money with Blogger because it offers interoperability with AdSense, the advertising platform owned by Google. This way, you can place some simple adverts on your blog and, every time a visitor clicks on them, a certain amount of money is automatically transferred into your account.

At this time, there are not too many alternatives for Google's Blogger, the main real replacement being represented by WordPress, a similar platform with well-developed functions.

In the recent period, the search giant released new local versions of numerous products owned by the company such as AdSense, YouTube and now Blogger. For example, AdSense was recently made available to Romanians while Blogger joined the list today. YouTube recently rolled out multiple versions of the online video sharing service in several countries such as Italy, Brazil and France.

Also, it was rumored that the parent firm Google might prepare a new version of the recently-acquired video service, especially addressed to South Koreans. This would be a great Google move that could help the company expand its services into the Asian market.