White gown gets everybody online “Lawrencing,” starts new trend

Jan 13, 2014 13:12 GMT  ·  By
Colton Haynes recreates Jennifer Lawrence’s viral photobomb at the Golden Globes 2014
   Colton Haynes recreates Jennifer Lawrence’s viral photobomb at the Golden Globes 2014

Jennifer Lawrence is always fun to have around at big awards shows, just like we’ve already seen at last night’s Golden Globes 2014, when she crept up behind Taylor Swift, photobombing her.

Now, the entire Internet is laughing with her, starting with “Arrow” and “Teen Wolf” star Colton Haynes, who posted the photo above to his Instagram.

At the gala, Jennifer wore a white Dior dress that resembled something a 5-year-old could make if he put his mind to it and had a sheet and two strings. At least, that’s how simple the dress translated in photos.

As a side note, this probably explains why Jennifer is now on all fashion critics’ worst dressed lists, even though she’s everyone’s darling on the awards circuit.

So, after the video of her photobombing Taylor went viral, many were “Lawrencing” on Twitter: from Colton to non-famous people, to cats and dogs. All it takes to do that is a sheet of white something, be it a bed sheet or the bed spread, and something to tie it with.

Buzzfeed has several hilarious photos. If she knew, Jennifer Lawrence would probably be proud of the new trend she started.