Gerard Moline and Martin Azua aim to help you have the perfect funeral

Mar 12, 2012 13:48 GMT  ·  By

If you care about the environment and want your death to mean more than just a terrible loss for your loved ones, you might consider being green even after your last breath.

The Bio Urn is not new but it's definitely gaining ground.

Designed by Gerard Moline and Martin Azua, it's basically an urn made of biodegradable materials (compacted peat, coconut shell and cellulose), which includes, besides your ashes, the seeds of a tree.

Once the urn disintegrates, the ashes will offer nutrients to the seed, which will grow into a beautiful tree.

Moline invented the Bio Urn for animals: the famous Copito de Nieve from the Barcelona Zoo is now the tree Calodendrum Capense.

Here's where you can find details on how to order the Bio Urn.