Kickstarter campaign aims to help human society achieve sustainability

May 7, 2013 17:11 GMT  ·  By
Glowing plants promise to rid human society of its dependence on electricity for lighting
   Glowing plants promise to rid human society of its dependence on electricity for lighting

Several of the green-oriented projects I've had the chance to write about until now focus on developing new and improved ways of harvesting renewables and using them to produce environmentally-friendly electricity.

What makes the Glowing Plants project stand out is its trying to altogether rid human society of its need to use electricity in order to light up indoor and even outdoor spaces.

The idea is fairly simple: with the help of bioluminescent bacteria, the researchers hope to roll out glowing plants that constitute the first step in eventually producing sustainable natural lighting.

Check out the video below for more information.

The people behind this idea are currently in need of funding, hence their launching a Kickstarter campaign set to end this coming June 7.

Those wishing to support this project can do so here.