There's still a lot we don't know about the glaciers

Sep 20, 2013 20:36 GMT  ·  By

There may be no methane on Mars, but there's certainly a lot of ice, especially at the poles. While not much is known about the glaciers covering some of the Mars surface, what's clearly obvious is that they create some very eerie landscapes, even for a foreign planet.

The HiRISE team at the University of Arizona is sharing an image captured by the Martian probe, which hovers high above the planet snapping images and taking measurements of the surface.

"This image shows one of these icy lobate features wrapping around a small hill. There is an unusual texture on the ice at the base of this hill that people have called 'brain terrain.' This strange-looking surface might be related to flow of the ice, but we still don't have a definite explanation for this mystery," the University of Arizona explained.