The tumor has been growing on the 29-year-old woman's face since she was a child

Oct 18, 2012 11:39 GMT  ·  By

Savipat Kemkajit Chotpintu, a 29-year-old woman from Thailand, suffers from Neurofibromatosis. Those affected by the disorder have tumors grow at an alarming pace along their nerve shafts.

The woman's giant facial tumor has eaten away sections of her skull, including her cheek and jaw. A major part of the woman's eye socket had been destroyed, revealing portions of her brain.

The condition cannot be controlled, but can be made bearable through the help of plastic surgery. Chicago-based doctor McKay McKinnon tries to make a difference in the lives of patients affected by large tumors in their facial areas, and might offer Savipat a solution.

The woman's case was presented on TLC's “My Giant Facial Tumor,” along with fellow sufferer Ed Port's, from Ohio. Both have lived with this condition since they were children.