Aug 25, 2011 09:18 GMT  ·  By

Even though no one believed a sequel to the disastrous 2007 “Ghost Rider” would ever be made, it’s coming out in early 2012. The first trailer for “Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance” has been released.

You can see it in full, embedded at the end of the article.

As the trailer shows, the sequel will basically tell the same story as the first film, the only difference being that, now, the Rider is meaner-looking and more dangerous.

As such, he’ll also be facing more dangerous opponents – but also have sidekicks worthy of the name.

Speaking at Comic-Con in San Diego this year, the people behind “Spirit of Vengeance,” including leading man Nicolas Cage, said they were hoping the sequel would finally do justice to the comics.

They all know that the first “Ghost Rider” was a critical and commercial disappointment, which is why all efforts were focused on making the sequel darker, realer and, why not, even scarier.

By the looks of the trailer, they seem to have succeeded in their mission.

The Guardian compared the trailer for the sequel to the one for the first movie, and came up with the conclusion that “Spirit of Vengeance” actually promises to be fun.

For starters, the Rider’s costume is more believable, in that his leather jacket and his skull are burnt by the fire that’s constantly consuming him.

Then, there’s his choice of a weapon: because he’s so cool, the Rider doesn’t need a gun now because he can take the bullets other people fire at him, heat them up and then spit them back out again.

Last but not least, the Rider is now able to pee fire, which, arguably, is probably one of the coolest things about him so far.

Check out the trailer below to see what we mean by that. “Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance” is out in theaters in February 2012.