One exercise to help you look slimmer

Jan 6, 2009 20:21 GMT  ·  By

If you have ever found yourself in a situation where, no matter how hard you exercise and diet, you still can’t seem to be able to get the results you want, or if, quite the contrary, you could use to lose a couple of pounds but can’t find the energy to go to the gym, then here’s a solution for all your problems. Top personal trainer Graeme Hilditch says in “From Flab to Fab” that there is a little exercise that can give off the impression of a flatter stomach without us having to lose a single pound.

“There is one trick, however, that can give the appearance of a flatter stomach, regardless (within reason) of how much abdominal fat you possess. Underneath the rectus abdominis lies a band of muscle called the transversus abdominis - or ‘corset muscle’.” Hilditch says. It is this particular muscle that we have to put to work whenever we can (at work, in the car, when watching TV), because it will improve our posture and, consequently, make our stomach look much flatter than it really is.

“First, suck in your stomach, so your belly button is drawn towards your spine. While your stomach is sucked in, do not hold your breath, just keep breathing normally. You’ll know you’re doing this properly when you begin to feel a minor burning sensation in the deep stomach.” Hilditch explains. Easy to say and, for once, just as easy to do.

“From Flab to Fab” tackles and puts to rest the most frequently met myths in terms of fitness and working out. Since we’re on the topic of making our tummy look better, thanks to the above trick, we might as well mention that Hilditch says of the crunches or sit-ups that they’re doing more damage than good when it comes to getting rid of stomach fat.

For once sit-ups strengthen muscles but they can’t eliminate fat, or at least, not if there’s an excess of it there. “The fact is, performing sit-ups or ‘crunches’ strengthens and firms up the recturs abdominis muscle, more commonly known as the ‘six-pack’. This may well give your stomach muscles the strength to bounce bullets but will do nothing to reduce the amount of fat on your tummy.” Hilditch says, adding that the only way to eliminate that is through a healthy diet and vigorous exercise.