Nov 8, 2010 09:38 GMT  ·  By

If geekish gadgets are really your thing then you most certainly have tried, or at least laid your eyes, on more than your fair share of bizzare business cards, but few come stranger than Frank's Zhao flat USB creation, this contraption really managing to awake the geek in you.

Looking pretty weird for what should basically be an every day item, this business card plugs itself into an open USB slot, the user having to open a text editing application, such as Notepad or Microsoft Word, press the Caps Lock key a few times and then wait for Frank's Zhao creation to do its magic.

As you can most certainly see from the enclosed video, this whole process will let loose all of the info that you have recorded on the business card in one of the geekish ways possible.

And if you wonder what makes this thing actually work than you must know, this business card emulates a keyboard when connected to the USB slot, thanks to a ATtiny85 microcontroller that is pre-programmed to type out text when it detects that CAPS-LOCK has been pressed a few times.

Your message can contain up to 5K characters, more than enough for you to share all the basic info that one needs to know about you, and a whole lot more if you so desire.

And if that still isn't all that geekish for you then what do you think about having to build this for your own, since this is one USB business card that won't be available on store shelves anytime soon, although you do get pretty detailed building instructions to make up for this inconvenient.

End of it all, this most definitely is one of the most outrageous business card designs that I have come to witness in a while, one that should make jealous every other fellow geek out there.

Now, if only I could think of an message as smart as this contraption... (via Slashgear)