Include essential fatty acids in your diet and eliminate the bad kind of fats from it

Dec 28, 2008 08:58 GMT  ·  By

Cellulite is not restricted to overweight people, and most women out there already know this by now. However, what they do not know is that it does not necessarily denote a sedentary way of life and that it can be eliminated in other ways than by just vigorous exercise. One of these ways is a healthier diet, which, of course, must go hand in hand with exercise and not replace it completely.

The causes of cellulite are many, but experts underline that one of them, the most frequent, is not eating right. While we’d be tempted to think this refers to junk food, it is not just about it that nutritionists are speaking of. “When you do not eat enough fiber and cellulite is a problem, your diet may contain more of the foods that can cause cellulite,” says John Degram in “Cellulite Treatment.”

He recommends replacing those fats with fiber and the right type of fats (extra-virgin olive oil, butter and unprocessed coconut oil for cooking, for instance). “Any salty or fatty foods will go straight to your hips and thighs if you do not use fiber to prevent this from happening. Fiber acts like a scrub brush for the body. Fiber will improve circulation and improve your skin’s appearance from the inside out,” Degram points out.

Other two ingredients that should not lack from our diet if we want to rid ourselves of the pesky orange skin effect are duck and oysters. “Both are highly praised in traditional French cuisine for their skin-smoothing […] properties,” write the girls from All Women’s Talk.

One last tip towards successfully fighting cellulite is learning to stay away from foods that contain ingredients we’re not familiar with (yes, that includes fast food too). “It’s important to know that cellulite stems from numerous sources; the greatest of which being toxins and calories from ‘harmful’ foods. These toxins and calories get stored in your body’s fat storage cells, which eventually leads to the accumulation of cellulite. By removing and keeping these toxins out of your system, you can potentially avoid cellulite build-up,” experts say on About Women.

If we’re to take the above eating tips and associate them with physical exercise and perhaps a weekly professional massage, focusing mostly on the problem areas, experts guarantee that we will never even consider going under the knife again, or throwing our money on God knows what expensive and inefficient cosmetic product. Moreover, come summer, we’ll finally be able to buy and proudly wear that swimming suit we’ve always wanted.