18-year-old Isaiah Smith discusses Bible passages before ripping pages out of it

Nov 8, 2013 15:37 GMT  ·  By

A student has incurred a three-day suspension over ripping a Bible in class. 18-year-old Isaiah Smith brought the book to school to use in a discussion against his classmates, who were teasing him for being gay.

They were using passages of the Bible, and he tried to show them that they did not have the meaning that was attributed to them.

When he realized that he would not get through to his classmates, he tore out the pages. He was sent to Vice Principal Glenn Serviente's office and explained his reason.

He was told that his gesture was insensitive to Christian students, and asked not to repeat it. The next couple of days, he still brought the Bible with him, but ripped out no other pages.

He was still suspended for failing to take the vice principal's request into consideration, the Star Telegram reported.

Serviente cited “distraction and disruption in class by tearing up Bible in class” as the reason for issuing the suspension.